Spots are open for our Weekday Education program! Sign your child up today!

Jesus: John 6

Brandon Nichols
The Story of the Bible Sun Aug 25th

Have you ever had a conversation and felt like the other person kept missing the point? Conversations with someone who is continually focusing on the wrong thing can be hard, and it can be incredibly frustrating to repeat over and over: “No, you’re missing the point.”

In John 6, Jesus miraculously feeds a massive crowd with only five loaves of bread and two small fish. But, when the crowd tracks Jesus down the following day, it becomes clear that they completely missed the point that Jesus was trying to make. He intended the miracle to show the crowd something significant about himself, but they were focusing on the free food. Jesus is the one saying: “No, you’re missing the point.”

Spots are now open for our Weekday Education Program! Spaces are limited, so sign your child up today to secure your spot!

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