Spots are open for our Weekday Education program! Sign your child up today!

Doctrine: Romans 3

Brandon Nichols
The Story of the Bible Sun Nov 10th

Last week’s joint service with Comunidad de Fe was incredible. I was personally encouraged by being able to worship alongside our Spanish speaking brothers and sisters and by Pastor Abner’s message from 1 Peter.

This Sunday we are back on track with our journey through the storyline of the Bible. There is tension in the church in Rome between Jewish and Gentile believers. In his letter to the Romans, Paul addresses the tension by showing that both groups have the same deep need for a savior and points to the only means to salvation, faith alone in Christ alone. As we will continue to see right doctrine (which just means teaching) practically impacts our lives and our relationships. 

Spots are now open for our Weekday Education Program! Spaces are limited, so sign your child up today to secure your spot!

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