Spots are open for our Weekday Education program! Sign your child up today!

Psalm 23:2-3

Brandon Nichols
In The Hands of the Shepherd Sun Jan 19th

In his 2019 book, The Power of Human, Adam Waytz tells a story about an immigrant who moved to the United States and began learning English informally, through conversations. Of course he quickly learned to greet with “How are you?” The received the reply “busy,” so often that at first he believed “busy” meant “good.”

The story is more likely made up, but the point is powerful. We are not just a busy people living in a busy culture , but we want others to know that we’re busy, too!

David describes his life differently in Psalm 23:2-3. He says the LORD leads him to places of calm, peace, restoration, and rest, not frantic paced busyness. It sounds nice, but is that sort of life possible for us? 

Spots are now open for our Weekday Education Program! Spaces are limited, so sign your child up today to secure your spot!

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