MH College

Connect. Belong. Serve. Lead.

Looking for a home while you're at school? This is the place.

MH College exists to connect college students in authentic community, send students out on mission, and lead students to a vibrant relationship with Jesus.

College students are not just a ministry of our church, they are integrated into every part of Mercy Hill. We believe strongly in the priority of the local church to reach, disciple, and send out college students.



One of the best ways to connect with us is to come to one of our monthly college gatherings. We pick a fun place and get together to hang out. Check out what we have coming up and join us.


Find a place to belong by plugging into one of our missional communities. MCs exist to help you grow in your devotion to Jesus, live in authentic community, and go on mission in the world.


There are a variety of ways for you to serve at Mercy Hill. You can join one of our ministry teams serving on Sundays or in our community. Also every Missional Community serves our community once a month.


Our college leadership pipeline is one of the things that makes Mercy Hill unique. Our goal isn't to entertain you but to equip you to lead now and wherever you end up next. You can apply in March.